Welcome to the IVCO Conference 2018
We are pleased to invite you to the International Volunteer Cooperation Organisations’ Conference – IVCO 2018.
The International Forum for Volunteering in Development (Forum) annual conference of International Volunteer Cooperation Organisations (IVCO) brings together leaders of international volunteering agencies from around the globe in a unique dialogue focusing on the challenges and opportunities currently facing international development volunteering – longstanding, and newly emerging. IVCO allows its participants to learn, exchange ideas and practice innovation, build supportive peer networks, and participate in shaping sectorial policy and advocacy initiatives.
IVCO 2018 is held in a different city every year and in 2018, it will be held in Montreal this fall, on October 28-31. IVCO 2018 is jointly hosted by Oxfam-Québec, SUCO and Forum.
The conference’s three days of activities – including 3 panels, 19 dialogue sessions and many networking opportunities – aim to offer stakeholders innovative tools to engage in volunteerism more effectively moving forward.
By showcasing volunteer voices from all over the world IVCO 2018 will provide a collaborative space to reflect on the current state of the inclusion of women and youth in volunteering for development and share best practice.